Koti > symboli > Nuoli

🔙 Nuoli Takaisin

Mene Takaisin, Nuoli, Palata

Merkitys ja kuvaus

This is an icon representing "BACK", with an arrow pointing to the left, and the word "back" is written under the arrow, and the color is consistent with that of the arrow. It is worth noting that in Google and Microsoft platforms, a blue background box is drawn under the arrow; The LG platform also has a BACKground box, but the word "back" does not appear at the bottom. As for the color of the arrow, it varies from platform to platform, and can be divided into black, white, gray, blue and other colors. The size of arrows depicted by different platforms is different, and the arrows of OpenMoji, Microsoft and LG platforms are smaller; Messenger, HTC platform arrow is bigger. In addition, the icon fonts designed by each platform are somewhat different, some are relatively formal, and some are more personalized.

Hymiötä käytetään usein edustamaan "paluuta edelliseen valikkoon", ja se tarkoittaa usein "edellinen ja edellinen".


Android 4.3+ IOS 5.1+ Windows 8.0+
6.0 / 2010-10-11
1.0 / 2015-06-09
Omenan nimi
Back Arrow