Početna > Sport i zabava > Zabava na otvorenom

🎢 Tobogan

Brdska željeznica

Značenje i opis

This is a roller coaster, which is going up or down. It has several carriages. As a traditional playground mobile game, roller coaster, Ferris wheel and merry-go-round are collectively called "Three Treasures of Paradise". Roller coasters are exciting, which can not only experience the pleasure of adventure, but also help to understand the laws of mechanics. Different platforms depict different roller coasters. Each platform depicts a section of roller coasters, and the tracks are curved with twists and turns. Most trains have three seats, and some platforms have one or more seats. In addition, except for the empty roller coaster depicted on the platform, there are passengers in the roller coaster cars depicted on other platforms.

Ovaj emotikon može značiti tobogan i zabavni park, a može se proširiti i na uzbuđenje, avanturu, djetinjstvo, naivnost itd.


Zahtjevi za verziju sustava
Android 4.3+ IOS 2.2+ Windows 8.0+
Kodne točke
Kratki kod
decimalni kod
Unicode verzija
6.0 / 2010-10-11
Emoji verzija
1.0 / 2015-06-09
Naziv jabuke
Roller Coaster

Povezani emojiji