This is a light rail, which refers to a train running on a straddle-type monorail, and its operation uses an automatic signal system. According to international standards, urban rail transit trains can be divided into three types: A, B and C, which correspond to train widths of 3 meters, 2.8 meters and 2.6 meters respectively. All rail transit lines that choose A or B trains are called subways, and 5 ~ 8 marshalling trains are used; The rail transit line with C-type train is called light rail, and 2 ~ 4 marshalled trains are adopted. Therefore, the train width and passenger capacity of light rail and subway are different.
Las diferentes plataformas representan diferentes subterráneos. En cuanto al color, el azul y el blanco son los colores principales, y algunas plataformas muestran rayas rojas como decoración de los coches; En términos de forma, la mayoría de las plataformas representan un frente en forma de huso, mientras que la plataforma Messenger representa un frente cuadrado, mostrando un carruaje completo y con detalles como puertas y ventanas. Este emoticono puede representar tren ligero, tráfico urbano, transporte y transporte por carretera.