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🔞 "18 Ban" Logo

Not Suitable For Minors, Prohibit, Minor, Eighteen Years Old

Meaning and Description

This is a forbidden sign, which consists of a red forbidden symbol and Arabic numeral "18". Each platform has its own different design style. Except for the blue background on Softbank platform, the forbidden symbols displayed on other platforms are all black or white. In addition, a slash is displayed in the forbidden symbols of most platforms, pointing from the upper left to the lower right; While the slash in emojidex platform points from the top right to the bottom left. It is worth noting that Arabic numerals are mainly black or white, but some platforms are also red.

This emoticon is often used to indicate that people under the age of 18 are forbidden to watch or use it. Therefore, this emoticon is commonly used in the fields of film and television, publishing works, games, etc. The prohibited contents are generally erotic, violent, bloody, antisocial or other bad behaviors that have great influence on the physical and mental health of minors or may cause teenagers to imitate.


System Version Requirements
Android 4.3+ IOS 2.2+ Windows 8.0+
Code Points
Decimal Code
Unicode Version
6.0 / 2010-10-11
Emoji Version
1.0 / 2015-06-09
Apple Name
No One Under Eighteen