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☣️ "Biohazard" Logo

Animal, Beware Of Infection, Resident Evil, Biochemical

Meaning and Description

This is a "biohazard" sign, which consists of a small hollow circle and three sickle-shaped open circles. The icons presented on different platforms are different. The two concentric circles in the icon are superimposed, which looks like a muzzle, while the three sickle-shaped patterns can be understood as ivory, rhinoceros horn and antlers. Among them, the emojidex platform did not design a circular base map; Other platforms are under the main icon, and an orange or yellow circle is set to set off; Individual platforms also add a black border around the circle.

This emoticon is often found in objects or regions that people need to be careful and away from. It can be used not only to specifically refer to the research related to microorganisms and infectious diseases, but also to represent the danger of biological factors harmful to human beings, thus playing a role of reminding and warning.


System Version Requirements
Android 6.0.1+ IOS 9.1+ Windows 10+
Code Points
U+2623 FE0F
Decimal Code
ALT+9763 ALT+65039
Unicode Version
1.1 / 1993-06
Emoji Version
1.0 / 2015-06-09
Apple Name

Related Emojis

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♂️ Male symbol
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