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♟️ Chess

Black Chess Pawn, Chess Pawn

Meaning and Description

This is a chess, which stands for "soldier". It is the shortest kind of chess. Chess is a kind of chess game played by two people, and it is also an intellectual competitive sport. Its chessboard is square and consists of 64 dark and light-colored grids, with 8 grids in both horizontal and vertical directions. Chess pieces are also divided into dark and light colors, and the two players hold 16 pieces each, totaling 32 pieces. Chess depicted on different platforms are slightly different, but they are all dark chess pieces in black or dark gray.

This emoji can represent chess, chess games, puzzle games and entertainment.


System Version Requirements
Android 9.0+ IOS 12.1+ Windows 10+
Code Points
U+265F FE0F
Decimal Code
ALT+9823 ALT+65039
Unicode Version
1.1 / 1993-06
Emoji Version
11.0 / 2018-05-21
Apple Name
Chess Pawn