Home > Human and Body > Woman

🧛‍♀️ Female Vampire

Meaning and Description

This is a female vampire with fangs in a dark cloak. Vampires are legendary supernatural creatures that can survive for a long time by drinking the blood of humans or other creatures. This emoji can be used not only to specifically refer to supernatural creatures that can suck blood, but also to express people who squeeze the benefit of others.


System Version Requirements
Android 8.0+ IOS 11.1+ Windows 10+
Code Points
U+1F9DB 200D 2640 FE0F
Decimal Code
ALT+129499 ALT+8205 ALT+9792 ALT+65039
Unicode Version
-- / --
Emoji Version
5.0 / 2017-06-20
Apple Name
Woman Vampire

Related Emojis

🧛‍♂️ Male vampire
🧛 vampire
👩 woman
👚 shirt
👒 Hat