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🈷️ Japanese “Monthly Amount” Button

Meaning and Description

This is a Japanese symbol, which surrounds a Japanese word with a square frame. This word looks a bit like the Chinese word "Moon", which indicates the moon.

In the emoji of most platforms, the border of the logo is orange; Only a few platforms draw green or gray borders. As for the color of characters, most platforms use white, and some platforms use black or green. This emoticon usually means "monthly amount", which is more than that used by finance in data statistics.


System Version Requirements
Android 4.3+ IOS 2.2+ Windows 8.0+
Code Points
U+1F237 FE0F
Decimal Code
ALT+127543 ALT+65039
Unicode Version
6.0 / 2010-10-11
Emoji Version
1.0 / 2015-06-09
Apple Name
Japanese Sign Meaning “Monthly Amount”