Home > Symbols > Keycap number

🔟 Keycap 10

Number 10

Meaning and Description

This is a numeric keycap with the number "10" depicted on it.

Under normal circumstances, this emoji shows a blue background with white numbers. But on a few platforms, it may have a black background.

This emoji is usually used to represent the number keycap or the number "10". In addition, the numbers 0 to 10 have a corresponding emoji, which can be combined into various numbers as needed.


System Version Requirements
Android 4.3+ IOS 5.1+ Windows 8.0+
Code Points
Decimal Code
Unicode Version
6.0 / 2010-10-11
Emoji Version
1.0 / 2015-06-09
Apple Name
Keycap Ten

Related Emojis

🧮 Abacus
🔢 Digital