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🟫 Large Brown Square

Brown Square

Meaning and Description

This is a square, and different platforms show different degrees of brown. This emoticon can be used to represent anything brown, such as wooden floor, clay, adobe, coffee biscuits, chocolate, etc.

Different platforms depict different square patterns. The squares depicted on most platforms have four right angles, but in the emojis on Twitter and Facebook platforms, the four corners of the squares have certain radians and look relatively smooth. In addition, the squares depicted by WhatsApp and Emojipedia platforms are gradually changing color, and the colors gradually darken from top to bottom. Microsoft and OpenMoji platforms, on the other hand, depict black edges on the square periphery, which makes them look thicker.


System Version Requirements
Android 10.0+ IOS 13.2+ Windows 10+
Code Points
Decimal Code
Unicode Version
12.0 / 2019-03-05
Emoji Version
12.0 / 2019-03-05
Apple Name