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🚣‍♂️ Man Rowing Boat

Men's Rowing

Meaning and Description

This is a man who is rowing. He is sitting in a boat on the water, waving wooden oars and rowing forward.Icons on different platforms show different colors of boats and oars, and men's clothes also show different colors. In addition, in the icon of the Apple platform, the man also wears a fisherman's hat. This icon can mean boating, rowing, sports, water sports, competitive competitions and so on.


System Version Requirements
Android 7.1+ IOS 10.0+ Windows 10+
Code Points
U+1F6A3 200D 2642 FE0F
Decimal Code
ALT+128675 ALT+8205 ALT+9794 ALT+65039
Unicode Version
-- / --
Emoji Version
4.0 / 2016-11-22
Apple Name
Man Rowing Boat

Displays in different manufacturers