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🆗 OK

Okay, Square, OK Sign, Squared OK, OK Button

Meaning and Description

This is a sign with English words, which surrounds the word "OK" with an outer frame. OK is a variant of "allcorrect"-the acronym of "Ollkorect", which means "all right". It is the most frequently used and commonly used word in the world.

Different platforms display different shapes of outer frames. Most platforms display square frames, JoyPixels platforms display round frames, and Docomo and au by KDDI platforms depict two red parallel lines. The colors of letters also vary from platform to platform, most platforms adopt white, and some platforms adopt black or red. As for the background color of the outer frame, it is also different, including blue, blue-gray, gray and green. This emoticon generally means "yes", "good", "no problem", "agree" and so on.


System Version Requirements
Android 4.3+ IOS 2.2+ Windows 8.0+
Code Points
Decimal Code
Unicode Version
6.0 / 2010-10-11
Emoji Version
1.0 / 2015-06-09
Apple Name
OK Sign