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🧧 Red Envelope

Meaning and Description

This is a red envelope depicted as a red vertical envelope with a golden design and the Chinese character "Fu". It should be noted that in the design of this emoji, Google shows that the word "Fu" is inverted, which means "good luck is here". In China and some other Asian cultures around the world, red envelopes are used to give to others on other festive occasions such as "New Year" or "wedding". Therefore, the emoji can not only be used to specifically refer to the red envelope, but also can be used to signify celebration and good luck.


System Version Requirements
Android 9.0+ IOS 12.1+ Windows 10+
Code Points
Decimal Code
Unicode Version
11.0 / 2018-05-21
Emoji Version
11.0 / 2018-05-21
Apple Name
Red Gift Envelope