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🇪🇸 Regional Indicator Symbol Letters ES

Spanish Flag, Flag Of Spain, Flag: Spain

Meaning and Description

This is a national flag from Spain. The flag is composed of three parallel rectangles, red, yellow and red, from top to bottom. The yellow part in the middle occupies 1/2 of the area of the flag, and the national emblem is painted on the left side.

The colors and patterns on the flag have rich meanings, including: red and yellow are the traditional colors deeply loved by the Spanish people, symbolizing their absolute loyalty to the motherland. The emblem of the national emblem center is painted with patterns representing the five countries that make up Spain. Among them, the golden castle on red background and the purple lion on white background represent Castilla and Leon Kingdom respectively, the vertical red and yellow stripes are the representative colors of Aragon Kingdom, the cross of golden chain network on red ground represents Nabal Kingdom, and the pomegranate flower at the bottom represents Granada Kingdom. In addition, the two pillars of Hercules stand proudly on both sides of the shield, as if putting national security under its protection.

This emoticon is usually used to represent Spain, or to indicate that it is located in Spanish territory. The colors of national flags depicted by different platforms are different, and some platforms present deep yellow, almost orange; The yellow color of au by KDDI platform is light, almost lemon yellow.


System Version Requirements
Android 5.0+ IOS 2.2+ Windows 7.0+
Code Points
U+1F1EA 1F1F8
Decimal Code
ALT+127466 ALT+127480
Unicode Version
-- / --
Emoji Version
1.0 / 2015-06-09
Apple Name
Flag of Spain

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