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🎗️ Ribbon Symbol

Reminder Ribbon

Meaning and Description

This is a kind of "consciousness ribbon". The two ends of the ribbon are crossed. It is usually the symbol of a group, association and unit. For example, "Pink Ribbon" is a recognized symbol of global breast cancer prevention and treatment activities; "Red Ribbon" is an international symbol for understanding HIV and AIDS. The "yellow ribbon" is a sign of help after the separation of relatives, and also a sign of blessing for praying for relatives. People wear it to show their support for a cause or group. Emoji on different platforms are presented in different colors, including red, pink and yellow. This emoticon can express care, nostalgia, hope, support, re-acceptance, hope for return, love for illness, desire for peace, fight against disease and so on.


System Version Requirements
Android 6.0.1+ IOS 9.1+ Windows 10+
Code Points
U+1F397 FE0F
Decimal Code
ALT+127895 ALT+65039
Unicode Version
7.0 / 2014-06-16
Emoji Version
1.0 / 2015-06-09
Apple Name
Reminder Ribbon

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