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👩‍🎤 Rock Female Singer

Female Singer

Meaning and Description

Rock is a music type. Rock and rolls express emotions with their flexible and passionate music rhythm, and have been loved by most people around the world.

The rock female singer is like the expression, and the red pigment is applied around his face, and the hand of "I love rock" is made, and singing in the microphone. Therefore, the expression can not only refer to rock female singer, but also to express the pursuit of a beautiful life, but the dissatisfaction with the real world.


System Version Requirements
Android 7.1+ IOS 10.2+ Windows 10+
Code Points
U+1F469 200D 1F3A4
Decimal Code
ALT+128105 ALT+8205 ALT+127908
Unicode Version
-- / --
Emoji Version
4.0 / 2016-11-22
Apple Name
Woman Singer