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🧑‍🎤 Singer

Celebrity, Singer

Meaning and Description

Singer is what people call the singer of a song, and when he reaches a certain level of musical attainment, he is honored as a "singer". According to the singing method, singers are divided into three major singing factions: Bel Canto, Nationality and Pop. Therefore, the expression can not only be used to specifically refer to people such as singers, stars, and singers, but also to indicate that they are singing.


System Version Requirements
Android 10.0+ IOS 13.2+ Windows 7.0+
Code Points
U+1F9D1 200D 1F3A4
Decimal Code
ALT+129489 ALT+8205 ALT+127908
Unicode Version
-- / --
Emoji Version
12.1 / 2019-10-21
Apple Name

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