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🏓 Table Tennis

Table Tennis Paddle And Ball, Ping Pong

Meaning and Description

This is a table tennis suit, which contains a wooden racket and a hollow white plastic ball. Table tennis, known as China's "national ball", is a popular ball sport in the world and one of the important events in the Olympic Games. Compared with other sports, such as basketball and tennis, it has low requirements for sports venues and strong participation, in which men, women and children can participate, and sports can be carried out indoors and outdoors, which is also beneficial to physical fitness, so it is popular. Except emojidex platform depicts two rackets, one red and one black, other platforms depict a single red racket, while WhatsApp platform depicts a blue racket.

This emoji can represent table tennis, as well as sports events, exercises and sports competitions.


System Version Requirements
Android 6.0.1+ IOS 9.1+ Windows 10+
Code Points
Decimal Code
Unicode Version
8.0 / 2015-06-09
Emoji Version
1.0 / 2015-06-09
Apple Name
Table Tennis Paddle and Ball

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