Home > Human and Body > Woman

👩‍🦲 The Bald Woman

Meaning and Description

The bald woman, as the name suggests, is without a trace of hair on her head. However, women generally choose to keep their hair. The expression should be that after the patient has cancer, he needs to transform the cancer and shave his hair. This expression can be used not only to refer to women with white hair, but also to refer to people who are sick.


System Version Requirements
Android 9.0+ IOS 12.1+ Windows 10+
Code Points
U+1F469 200D 1F9B2
Decimal Code
ALT+128105 ALT+8205 ALT+129458
Unicode Version
-- / --
Emoji Version
11.0 / 2018-05-21
Apple Name
Woman With No Hair

Related Emojis

🧑‍🦲 Bald man
👨‍🦲 Bald man
👩 woman
👩‍🦰 Red-haired female
👱‍♀️ Blonde woman
👩‍🦳 White-haired woman
👩‍💻 Female technologist