Home > Human and Body > Occupation

🧑‍🏭 Worker

Go To Work, The Company

Meaning and Description

Workers, as the name suggests, are those who work in the factory. It should be noted that the expression does not distinguish between genders, but refers to employees working in the factory in general. Therefore, the expression can not only specifically refer to people who are employed in manual or technical labor to earn wages, but also express the meaning of going to work or a company.


System Version Requirements
Android 10.0+ IOS 13.2+ Windows 7.0+
Code Points
U+1F9D1 200D 1F3ED
Decimal Code
ALT+129489 ALT+8205 ALT+127981
Unicode Version
-- / --
Emoji Version
12.1 / 2019-10-21
Apple Name

Related Emojis

👨‍🏭 Male worker
👩‍🏭 Woman worker
🧑 An adult
🏭 Industry
💪 Muscles
🧰 Toolbox
🔨 Hammer
⛓️ Chain
⚙️ gear

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