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🆘 Distress Signal

SOS Button, SOS Sign

Meaning and Description

This is a sign with English letters, which surrounds "SOS" with an outer frame. S.O.S is the rescue signal of international Morse code, not the abbreviation of any word. Different platforms depict different signs, among which most platforms adopt square red frames. The JoyPixels platform uses a circular frame with a small triangle on the periphery, which is radial as a whole; Au by KDDI and Docomo platforms depict two parallel lines above and below the letters; The frame of emojidex platform is orange. The appearance of letters also varies from platform to platform. In terms of color, most platforms depict white, while some platforms depict black or red; In terms of fonts, except Messenger platform, other platforms have adopted more formal fonts. This emoji means "emergency" and "rescue for help".


System Version Requirements
Android 4.3+ IOS 5.1+ Windows 8.0+
Code Points
Decimal Code
Unicode Version
6.0 / 2010-10-11
Emoji Version
1.0 / 2015-06-09
Apple Name
SOS Sign